Friday 30 March 2012

Ana Somnia : Enter Her Dreamworld

“In our dreams, lie childish figures, random shapes and half remembered memories. Each one is different yet somehow the same.”

A whole world waits for you when you turn out the lights. In our dreams, lie childish figures, random shapes and half remembered memories. Each one is different yet somehow the same. Ana Somnia is a generative art project that emulates how we dream. Dim your lights to enter Ana`s dreamworld.

This was made by ROSTLAUB, a company that “combine[s] art, design, music, and state-of-the-art programming in a way you have never seen before.

If you'd like to be surprised, check out Ana Somnia first before continuing.

Make sure you check out the real thing for an unforgettable surreal experience.

1 comment:

PSST ! Write what's on your mind, riiiight 'ere. ;)